Hotels & Businesses Operations

Mystery shopping

The “MS” Mystery Shopper’s analyses program focuses on the quality of service, product, and systems assessment. The aim of the Mystery Shopper (Customer Consultant) is an assessment report and study; mainly to identify the level of service measured from a professional point of view, what is done to meet his or her expectations vs. the international standards of the Industry.


Reservations & In-bound Services

We provide client branded “private label” reservation services, offering complete toll free (800) reservation capabilities, email reservation management, airline reservations, customer service, credit card processing and full accounting services by highly developed sales and customer services skills agents, for all type of companies that are looking for a US based presence.


Operational Management Services

HMC helps you maximize operational efficiency at all hotel departments and functions including Front and Back Office, Housekeeping and Laundry, Sales and Marketing, Reservations, Food & Beverage, Security, internal control, Property & Facilities Management, Human Resources, pre and post Opening process.


Operational Audits

Our audits are a full-scale diagnosis of both management and operational functions by examining marketing and sales strategies, customer surveys, data collection, personnel policies, management goals, internal control, objectives and strategies, standard operating procedures, cost control systems and yearly budget.